Thaibuddha U-Thongbuddha #buddha #buddhastatue #antiquebuddhas #antiquebuddha


Antique Buddha Sculpture, Buddha Statues, Buddha Images and ArtAntique Buddha Scuture Buddha Statues Buddha ImagesAntique Buddha Sculpture, Buddha Statues, Buddha Images and Art
  .........Antique Buddha Sculture , Buddha Statues , Buddha Images and Art.........  

Extremely Rare 17C Bronze U-thong Buddha #9755








#bronzebuddha #buddha



#bronzebuddha #buddha



#bronzebuddha #buddha



#bronzebuddha #buddha




Extremely Rare 17C Bronze U-thong Buddha #9755

CAT NO: 9755

#bronzebuddha #buddha

DESCRIPTION: Buddha sitting with one leg folded over the other,

with his right hand on the knee and the left in his lap (Virasana and the Bhumisparsa mudra).

#bronzebuddha #buddha

Usually interpreted as the Buddha calling the earth to witness his good deeds in front of Mara

Extremely Rare 17C Brozne Khmer Buddha #9755

#bronzebuddha #buddha

PERIOD:17th century
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: U-Thong , Thailand

#bronzebuddha #buddha

RARITY AND CONDITION: Extremely rare, good condition, some possible cleaning / restoration,
expected day to day wear (see photos)

#bronzebuddha #buddha

#bronzebuddha #buddha

#bronzebuddha #buddha


#bronzebuddha #buddha

WIDTH / LENGTH: 23" (58cm)
WEIGHT IN KILOS: Over 35klg.

#bronzebuddha #buddha
PROVENANCE: Acquired from a Swiss collector
EVALUATION APPRAISAL: Fantastic piece with great spiritual presence

#bronzebuddha #buddha

A very impressive, almost museum quality piece, with stunning workmanship and beautiful detail. Some natural wear and tear but still exceptional.

#bronzebuddha #buddha

Price: US$42,000.00

To order or check availability please email us by clicking here